Wednesday, January 3, 2018

How much beer is too much

How much beer is too much

A glass of beer on any occasion will not harm your health, but excessive drinking can cause temporary and long-term effects on our body.

Beer is LIKELY SAFE for most people when used in moderation. Howerever  Drinking too much is UNSAFE and can cause a lot of side effects, including: flushing, confusion, trouble controlling emotions, blackouts, loss of coordination, seizures, drowsiness, trouble breathing, hypothermia, low blood sugar, vomiting, diarrhea, bleeding, irregular heartbeat, and others.

Long-term use can lead to alcohol dependence and can cause many serious side effects, including: malnutrition, memory loss, mental problems, heart problems, liver failure, swelling (inflammation) of the pancreas, cancers of the digestive track, and others.

Some of the negative effects of alcohol on our body:

  • Gout: Using alcohol can make gout worse.
  • Liver Problems: The liver eliminates toxins, including alcohol, from your system. Drinking large amounts of beer over the course of several months or years can damage your liver, making it harder for it to do its job. Once your liver cells are damaged, no matter the cause, your liver regenerates in an abnormal pattern and can eventually stop working. 
  • Heart conditions: While there is some evidence that drinking beer in moderation might help to prevent congestive heart failure, beer is harmful when used by someone who already has this condition. Using alcohol can make chest pain and congestive heart failure worse.
  • High blood pressure: Drinking three or more alcoholic drinks per day can increase blood pressure and make high blood pressure worse.
  • Stomach ulcers or a type of heartburn called gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD): Drinking alcohol can make these conditions worse.
  • Trouble sleeping (insomnia): Drinking alcohol can make insomnia worse.

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